Remove Blemishes on Face: Remedies to Reduce Facial Blemishes- Natural Treatment and Cure

Remove Blemishes on Face Naturally

Blemishes are marks or dark patches on the skin due to acne, boils, pimples, itching, rashes, or some other skin problems. Since your skin reflects your internal health, blemishes on skin may appear as a result of internal health problem. Blemish on face can be embarrassing, particularly as an adult. Some face blemishes and spots are too dark that will spoil the look and beauty of your face. If dark spots and blemishes on face are spoiling your looks, then there is no need to worry as there are several home remedies that help to remove blemishes on face.

Follow some natural treatments to get rid of blemishes on face as early as possible. These simple home remedy treatments will remove or reduce facial blemishes and dark spots and give you a natural glow.

Remedies for Reducing Facial Blemishes - Natural Blemish Treatment and Cure

Blemishes are a very broad term used to refer any abnormality on the skin that hampers good looks. For reducing facial blemishes, skin care home remedies are the best bet. The following are some home remedies that can keep your face free from dark marks.

1. A combination of lemon juice, honey, and rose water can be used to get rid of blemishes on face. This is one of the best natural methods for removing facial blemishes such as scars, pimples, and acne.

2. Rubbing the sugared lemon peel on the areas of skin imperfection will remove blemishes on face naturally.

3. Sandalwood is another best natural method to get rid of blemishes on face. Apply a paste of sandalwood powder and rose water on the face on a regular basis to reduce dark marks and patches on face naturally.

4. Make a paste of ground almonds and rose water to make a fine paste and add some honey and lemon juice to it. Applying this skin care home remedy helps remove blemishes and acne scars from the face.

5. Regular use of turmeric paste with lemon juice and cucumber extract on the blemishes on face helps in curing facial dark spots and skin imperfection naturally.

6. The application of grated potatoes as poultice helps to treat skin dark patches and pimple scars. Try this natural remedy at least once a week to reduce scars and blemishes on your face.

7. Rub a piece of mango or papaya on your face and neck for some time. This is one of the best home remedies for removing blemishes on face.

8. Bananas are an effective treatment for blemishes. Mash bananas with yogurt and apply on your skin for 20 minutes to reduce facial blemishes and skin pigmentation.

9. Rub a banana peel on your face and let it stay for 5-15 minutes. This natural skin care remedy will remove discoloration and dark marks from the facial skin.

10. You can remove blemishes on face using apple cider vinegar. Get rid of dark pigmentation on face and and dark spots and make your skin more youthful by patting apple cider vinegar on your face.

11. Skin care remedy of milk powder with honey makes your face blemish free. Apply this mixture on your face for a few minutes and it would help to remove blemishes and pigmentation on face.

12. Heat honey slightly and apply to facial blemishes and then rinse with cool water. This natural remedy will help you get rid of blemishes and dark marks on skin.

13. Drink water throughout the day to keep your skin well hydrated. Hydration will prevent and reduce blemishes on face.

Get rid of blemishes on face effectively and quickly by these home remedies. These home treatments and natural cures for blemishes and dark marks will remove all those facial scars to leave skin looking smooth and blemish free.